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tomato tomato salad orange strawberry tomato tomato salad
strawberry carrot cheese bananna peel carrot cheese
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Our Commercial Digesters Have Been Tested And Proven

We Manufacture The Most Reliable Digester Machines At A Cost Effective Price



  • Capacity:
  • 600 kg or 1320 lbs of food waste per 24 hours.

Hotels - Schools - Work Camps


  • Capacity:
  • 400 kg or 880 lbs of food waste per 24 hours.

Restaurants - Hospitals - Retirement Homes


A Syker System Is Capable Of Digesting A Wide Variety Of Food Waste.

Fruit & Vegetables

fruit and vegetables







Please Download Our Catalogue Of All The Suitable Foods
Commercial Digester Food List PDF


In most cases these machines pay for themselves
in 18 months


Eliminate Waste Management Costs


Durability - 3 Year Warranty

For Our Product Line, Please Go To Our Product Page



Place Food Waste In The Machine, Close The Lid, And the Machine Will Do The Rest


Our Commercial Digester Machines Require Minimal Employee Training

Syker Systems Articles


Every business produces food waste, and disposing of it can be costly. This is especially true for companies that produce high volumes of food waste or operate in areas with limited disposal options. Fortunately, there is an alternative solution – biodigesters to the rescue!

A 2017 study of 1200 businesses found that for every $1 invested in reducing food waste, companies save $14. Investing in food waste solutions like a Syker System biodigester can be an excellent way to save money and reduce your environmental impact. This type of biodigester uses oxygen and microbes to quickly break down organic matter, eliminating the need for pricey waste disposal methods.

Let’s take a closer look at how aerobic biodigesters work and why businesses and other organizations should consider investing in one.

How Biodigesters Work

Aerobic biodigesters such as the Syker System are machines that use oxygen and microbes to break down organic matter like food waste. The process begins when organic matter enters the tank. Oxygen is then pumped in from outside sources, allowing bacteria to start breaking down the material. Once the bacteria have done their job, the only resulting byproduct is gray water, which can be disposed of in your city’s sewage system. This process takes significantly less time than traditional methods of disposing of food waste such as composting or landfill burial, making it much more efficient

How Biodigesters Save You Money

There are several benefits associated with investing in an aerobic biodigester like a Syker System. For starters, you can save money by liminating the need for costly waste disposal methods like dumpsters or landfills. You won’t have to pay for landfill disposal fees or other associated costs such as transportation expenses.

An aerobic digester like a Syker System also reduces your labor costs. Because these machines are highly efficient at breaking down organic matter quickly, they help streamline your operations by eliminating the need for manual labor associated with disposing of food waste in landfills or compost piles. For example, a Syker System can digest most types of food, eliminating the need for sorting your food waste. During normal operation, a Syker System doesn’t even need to be emptied – you can just put food in, set it, and forget it! Additionally, by eliminating potential hygiene issues by taking care of your food waste before it begins to rot, you protect your staff from disease – not to mention unpleasant odors.

Finally, biodigesters like Syker Systems help you meet your sustainability goals . While the food disposed of in landfills releases methane, a greenhouse gas, aerobic digesters break down your food waste with minimal environmental impacts while diverting food from landfills. As consumers begin to favor environmentally-conscious products and companies, hitting sustainability targets is a crucial aspect of staying competitive in today’s market.

The Cost-Effectiveness of Syker Systems

In addition to saving money on disposal fees and fuel costs, investing in a Syker System aerobic biodigester is cost-effective in other ways as well. Our machines require very little maintenance; all they need is regular monitoring to ensure they are functioning properly and a periodic replacement of enzymes and SykerStars, the housing medium for the enzymes that break down your food waste.

When it comes down to it, biodigestion is one of the best ways for businesses to reduce their operating costs while becoming more sustainable at the same time. If you’re looking for a way to cut costs while reducing your environmental impact, there’s no time to waste – consider investing in an aerobic biodigester system today!

An Article Answering the Question Is Waste Management Positive Or Negative For The Environment?

Waste management, the process of collecting, processing, and disposing of waste materials, has both positive and negative effects on the environment. Let’s take a closer look at these aspects to determine whether waste management is ultimately positive or negative for our surroundings

The Positive Side of Waste Management:

Waste management plays a crucial role in maintaining cleanliness in our communities. Proper disposal of waste prevents littering, keeping our streets, parks, and water bodies clean. This cleanliness not only enhances the aesthetic appeal of our surroundings but also creates a healthier environment for people, plants, and animals. It reduces the risk of diseases that can arise from improper waste disposal, ensuring the well-being of both humans and wildlife.

Additionally, waste management promotes recycling and reusing materials. Recycling conserves valuable resources such as paper, glass, and metals by turning them into new products, reducing the need for raw materials. Reusing items or materials also decreases the demand for new production, conserving energy and natural resources. By encouraging these practices, waste management contributes to sustainability and helps in the preservation of our planet’s resources for future generations.

Moreover, some waste management methods, such as composting and waste-to-energy technologies, can generate valuable resources and energy. Composting organic waste creates nutrient-rich soil, enriching agricultural lands and promoting plant growth. Waste-to-energy processes convert waste materials into electricity or heat, providing an alternative energy source that reduces our dependence on fossil fuels. These innovations contribute to environmental conservation and aid in the fight against climate change.

The Negative Aspects of Waste Management:

On the flip side, improper waste management practices can have detrimental effects on the environment. Landfills, where a significant amount of waste ends up, can release harmful substances into the soil and water, contaminating natural habitats and endangering wildlife. Methane, a potent greenhouse gas, is produced during the decomposition of organic waste in landfills, contributing to climate change. Additionally, incineration of waste materials can release harmful emissions, polluting the air and posing health risks to nearby communities.

Furthermore, waste management requires substantial space for landfills and waste processing facilities. The need for vast areas to accommodate the increasing volume of waste can lead to deforestation and destruction of ecosystems. This loss of biodiversity can disrupt natural habitats and negatively impact the balance of local ecosystems.

In conclusion, waste management has both positive and negative effects on the environment. When managed responsibly, waste management contributes to cleanliness, resource conservation, and energy generation. However, irresponsible waste disposal practices can lead to pollution, habitat destruction, and climate change. To ensure a positive impact on the environment, it is essential to promote responsible waste management practices, invest in sustainable technologies, and raise awareness among communities about the importance of reducing, reusing, and recycling waste materials.

Article On Composting Biodigester Machines And How They Can Provide Solutions For The Food Waste Problems Of All Industries.

A composting biodigester machine is an innovative waste management device designed to transform organic waste into valuable resources. This advanced technology operates in an oxygen-free environment, efficiently breaking down food scraps and other organic materials. By harnessing natural microbial processes, it produces biogas, a renewable energy source, and nutrient-rich compost. This eco-friendly approach not only reduces the volume of waste but also mitigates environmental pollution and supports sustainable practices.

Organizations and Food Waste Solutions:

1. Universities:

Universities generate substantial food waste from cafeterias and events. Anaerobic composting machines offer a sustainable solution. By processing organic waste efficiently, these machines significantly decrease waste volume, reducing landfill impact.

2. Hospitality:

In the hospitality sector, food waste is a significant concern due to dining services and events. Anaerobic composting machines provide an efficient solution. By converting food waste into biogas and compost, hospitality establishments can minimize waste disposal costs and environmental impact. This green initiative aligns with guests’ expectations for sustainable practices, enhancing the industry’s environmental responsibility.

3. Healthcare:

Healthcare facilities produce considerable food waste daily. Anaerobic composting machines offer an eco-conscious solution by transforming organic waste into renewable energy and compost. Implementing these machines reduces landfill waste and operational costs, demonstrating the healthcare sector’s commitment to both patient care and environmental preservation.

4. Cruise Lines:

Cruise lines face unique challenges in managing food waste due to their mobility. Anaerobic composting machines efficiently process food waste, reducing the environmental impact of cruises. By producing biogas and compost, these machines align with passengers’ expectations for sustainable travel, making cruising a greener and s choice for travelers.

5. Supermarkets:

Supermarkets deal with food waste from unsold products and perishables. Anaerobic composting machines efficiently convert expired or damaged items into biogas and compost. By embracing this technology, supermarkets manage organic waste effectively, reduce landfill contributions, and appeal to environmentally conscious shoppers, enhancing their reputation and encouraging sustainable consumer choices.

6. Restaurants:

Restaurants generate substantial food waste from kitchen scraps and unconsumed meals. Anaerobic composting machines offer an effective means to address this issue. By converting organic waste into biogas and compost, restaurants lower waste management expenses, and foster a responsible dining culture, encouraging sustainable practices.

7. Mining Camps:

Mining camps often operate in remote areas, facing challenges in waste disposal. Anaerobic composting machines provide a practical solution by efficiently processing food waste on-site. When converting waste into biogas and compost, mining camps can reduce waste transportation costs, and demonstrate corporate social responsibility, promoting eco-friendly practices.

8. Resorts:

Resorts, surrounded by natural landscapes, generate food waste. Anaerobic composting machines offer a sustainable waste management solution, minimizing the ecological footprint. When converting waste into biogas and compost, resorts enhance landscaping efforts and offering guests a unique and eco-conscious stay, aligning with both luxury and environmental preservation.

In recent years, the global focus on sustainable waste management solutions has led to the development and implementation of composting biodigester machines. These innovative devices operate in an oxygen-free environment, efficiently breaking down organic waste such as food scraps and leftovers. By harnessing natural microbial processes, biodigester transform these materials into biogas, a renewable energy source, and nutrient-rich compost. This eco-friendly approach significantly reduces the volume of waste, mitigates environmental pollution, and supports sustainable practices across various sectors.

Article On What Is The Difference Between A Commercial Digester And A Residential Digester?

Waste management has become a pressing concern in the quest for sustainable living, prompting the development of innovative technologies like digesters. These systems play a crucial role in converting organic waste into valuable resources, reducing environmental impact. However, when delving into the realm of digesters, a crucial distinction emerges—commercial digesters and residential digesters. Understanding the differences between these two types of digesters is essential for optimizing waste management strategies at different scales.

Commercial Digesters: Engineered for Scale and Efficiency

Commercial digesters are industrial-sized systems designed to handle substantial volumes of organic waste efficiently. Typically deployed in large-scale settings such as industrial facilities, agricultural operations, or municipal waste treatment plants, commercial digesters tackle the challenge of processing significant amounts of organic material on a daily basis.

One key characteristic of commercial digesters is their robust construction and advanced technology. These systems are engineered to withstand the demands of continuous operation, ensuring durability and reliability. They often incorporate state-of-the-art features such as automated controls, monitoring systems, and advanced mixing mechanisms to optimize the digestion process.

In terms of capacity, commercial digesters can process tons of organic waste per day. These systems are well-suited for handling the waste generated by entire communities, industries, or agricultural operations. By efficiently breaking down organic materials, commercial digesters contribute to the production of biogas, a renewable energy source, and nutrient-rich fertilizers.

The scale of commercial digesters allows for the generation of substantial amounts of biogas, which can be harnessed for various applications, including electricity generation or heating. Additionally, the resulting digestate, a byproduct of the digestion process, can be utilized as a potent fertilizer, closing the loop on sustainable waste management.

Residential Digesters: Tailored Solutions for Individual Homes

In contrast, residential digesters are compact systems designed specifically for household use. These smaller-scale digesters cater to the waste management needs of individual families or small communities. While they share the overarching goal of converting organic waste into valuable resources, residential digesters differ significantly from their commercial counterparts in terms of size, capacity, and application.

Residential digesters are typically smaller and more manageable, making them suitable for installation in home environments. These systems are often designed to accommodate the organic waste produced by a single household, offering an eco-friendly solution for managing kitchen scraps, yard waste, and other organic materials.

The design of residential digesters is tailored to simplicity and user-friendliness. Homeowners can easily operate these systems, contributing to the decentralization of waste management efforts. Some residential digesters may even be integrated into home composting setups, allowing individuals to actively participate in converting their organic waste into valuable resources.

In terms of capacity, residential digesters process a smaller quantity of organic waste compared to their commercial counterparts. While they may not produce large amounts of biogas or fertilizers, they play a vital role in promoting sustainability on an individual level. Residential digesters offer homeowners an opportunity to reduce their carbon footprint and actively engage in responsible waste management practices.

Choosing the Right Digger: Considerations for Scale and Purpose

Selecting the appropriate digester depends on the specific needs and scale of the waste management operation. Commercial digesters shine in scenarios where large volumes of organic waste are generated consistently, such as in industrial settings or municipal waste treatment plants. The scale and efficiency of commercial digesters make them well-suited for addressing the waste management challenges of expansive operations.

On the other hand, residential digesters are ideal for smaller-scale applications, focusing on the waste produced within individual households or small communities. These systems empower individuals to take control of their waste management, contributing to a more sustainable and eco-friendly lifestyle.

In the evolving landscape of waste management, digesters stand out as innovative solutions to convert organic waste into valuable resources. The key lies in understanding the nuanced differences between commercial and residential digesters. While both types share the overarching goal of sustainable waste management, their scale, capacity, and applications vary significantly. Whether in the vast expanse of an industrial facility or the intimate setting of a home, digesters play a pivotal role in reshaping our approach to waste, paving the way for a more sustainable future.